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All QuestionsCategory: GST ConsultancyInter state movement of goods from one office to another
Profile photo of Puneet KalraPuneet Kalra asked 6 years ago

Inter state movement of goods from one office to another

I’m based in Haryana and have GST registration in Haryana. Recently, we opened a virtual primary place of business & 2 additional places of business in Karnataka. We have now done the registration in Karnataka also.
Now, I’ve few queries:
I need to know what all documents will be required for the movement of goods from the Haryana office to Karnataka’s additional place of business. The shipment will be under 50000. So, I think the e-way bill is not required.
Do I need to issue an invoice to my Karnataka office?
Is the delivery challan required along with the invoice ?
What price do I need to mention for each item (on delivery challan or invoice)? e.g. I purchased “item 1” @ INR 100 for the Haryana office. MRP mentioned on the item is 500. Now, I want to send this item 1 to the Karnataka office.
Any other documents required?

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1 Answers
Profile photo of Sachin AgrahariSachin Agrahari answered 6 years ago

Dear Sir, 
Your queries are related to transfer of goods from one branch to another branch of same entity to another state.
The document required for movement of goods from Haryana to Karnataka if the value of goods is below Rs. 50,000 then only Tax invoice is to be issued to your Karnataka Office.
Delivery Challan is required to be sent in Job work. In Your case Tax Invoice is required to be issued.
You will charge the same amount as you are selling to a customer.
And also you are not required to generate E-Way Bill, but the transporter who will carry the goods will generate E-way Bill.
If any queries please feel free to ask.
Contact No. 8574566807
