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FTP 2015 20 extended by one year, up to 31.03.2021

Notification No. 57/2015-20.

S. O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation ) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015 – 2020, as amended l, the Central Government hereby makes, with immediate effect, the following amendments in the FTP2015-2020:

1. In para 1.01 the phase “shall remain in force up to 31st March 2020 unless otherwise specified” is substituted by the phrase “shall remain in force up to 31st March 2021 unless otherwise specified.”

2. The following shall be added at the end of para 3.08(a):

”However, the service as rendered w.e.f.1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 shall be notified separately in Appendix 3 X. For the service rendered w.e.f.1st April 2020, the decision on continuing of the scheme will be taken subsequently and notified accordingly. “

3. In para 4.14 the date “31.03.2020. as appearing in the last line is substituted by.”31.03.2020″.

4. In para 4.29 (viii), after sentence, the following is inserted:

”However, for all DFIAs. ( including transferable DFIAs), where the validity for import is expiring between 01.02.2020 and 31.07.2020, the validity stands automatically extended by six months from the date of expiry. “

5. In para 5.01 (a) the date” 31.03.2020″ as appearing in the second sentence is substituted by 31.03.2020″.

6. In para 5.01 (c) after the second sentence, the following sentence is inserted:

“However, in case the validity period for import expires from 1st February 2020 to 31st July 2020, the validity stands automatically extended by further 6 months from the date of such expiry.”

7. In para 6.01(d) (ii) the date “31.03.2020” as appearing in the last line is substituted by “31.03.2021”.

Effect of the Notification:

The existing Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 which is valid up to 31.03.2021. Various other changes are also made extending the date of extending the date exemption by one year and extending the validity of DFIA and EPCG Authorisation for import purposes.

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FTP 2015 20 extended by one year, up to 31.03.2021

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