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Council of ICAI Vs. Sh. Gurvinder Singh (Supreme Court)

Council of ICAI Vs. Sh. Gurvinder Singh (Supreme Court)

Hon’ble SUPREME COURT judgement dated November-16-2018 in the case of Council of ICAI Vs. Sh. Gurvinder Singh and Ans.:

Hon’ble SC upheld the decision of Council of ICAI and found that the judgment given by Hon’ble High Court was incorrect and remanded back the matter to High Court.

20934_2017_Judgement_16-Nov-2018.pdf - Google Chrome 2018-11-27 20.13.37


A Chartered Accountant, whether in Practice or NOT shall be deemed to be guilty of “Other Misconduct”, if he, in the opinion of the Council brings disrepute to the Profession or to the ICAI as a result of his action Whether or not related to his Professional Work”.

The above may be helpful and useful.

Best Regards
Suresh Wadhwa, LL.B, FCA

Profile photo of CA Suresh Wadhwa CA Suresh Wadhwa

New Delhi, India

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