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Condonation of delay denied: M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited

Table of Contents Case Covered:Facts of the case:Observations of the court:The judgement of the court:Download the copy: Case Covered: Assistant Commissioner (CT)  LTU, Kakinada & Ors. Versus M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited Read the full text of the case here. Facts of the case: The moot question in this appeal emanating from the

SC in the case of Assistant Commissioner (CT) LTU, Kakinada Versus M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited

  Citations: Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. vs. Union of India & Ors Baburam Prakash Chandra  Maheshwari   vs.   Antarim  Zila  Parishad  now  Zila Parishad,   Muzaffarnagar Nivedita   Sharma   vs. Cellular   Operators   Association   of   India   &   Ors Thansingh   Nathmal   &   Ors.   vs.

Whether goods and conveyance can be detained by the officers if any liability is unpaid at the part of the dealer but there is no deficiency in documents required for transportation.

Table of Contents Whether goods and conveyance can be detained by the officers if any liability is unpaid at the part of the dealer but there is no deficiency in documents required for transportation.FACTS:HELD:DOWNLOAD THE COPY: Whether goods and conveyance can be detained by the

