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Condonation of delay denied: M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited

Table of Contents Case Covered:Facts of the case:Observations of the court:The judgement of the court:Download the copy: Case Covered: Assistant Commissioner (CT)  LTU, Kakinada & Ors. Versus M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited Read the full text of the case here. Facts of the case: The moot question in this appeal emanating from the

SC in the case of Assistant Commissioner (CT) LTU, Kakinada Versus M/s. Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Health Care Limited

  Citations: Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. vs. Union of India & Ors Baburam Prakash Chandra  Maheshwari   vs.   Antarim  Zila  Parishad  now  Zila Parishad,   Muzaffarnagar Nivedita   Sharma   vs. Cellular   Operators   Association   of   India   &   Ors Thansingh   Nathmal   &   Ors.   vs.


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