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New Form for Company Incorporation(SPICe+)

Table of Contents SPICe+(Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically Plus)PART-AI. Type of Company (Public/Private)PART-BII. Structure of the CompanyIII.  Address of the CompanyIV. Subscriber and Directors DetailsV. OPC NominationVI. Stamp DutyVII. PAN/ TAN InformationVIII. AttachmentsIX. DeclarationX. Declaration and Certification by Professional SPICe+(Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company

ट्रस्ट: कम्पलीट कंप्लायंस” पार्ट 10

Table of Contents ट्रस्ट: कम्पलीट कंप्लायंस” पार्ट 10ट्रस्ट के गठन कैसे होता है?सोसाइटी या ट्रस्ट या कम्पनी? कौन better?(i) ट्रस्ट,(ii) सोसाइटी:(iii) नॉन प्रॉफिट मेकिंग कंपनी u/s 8 ऑफ कम्पनीज एक्ट 2013 (पुरानी सेक्शन 25 of कम्पनीज एक्ट 1956)(iv) राजस्थान नॉन ट्रेडिंग कम्पनीज ऐक्ट 19613. कौनसा

IBBI Imposes Penalty on an Insolvency Professional; Penalty Levied For Moratorium Violation by Allowing Transfer of Assets of a Corporate Debtor During CIRP

Table of Contents IBBI Imposes Penalty on an Insolvency Professional; Penalty Levied For Moratorium Violation by Allowing Transfer of Assets of a Corporate Debtor During CIRP 1. Brief Facts of the Case:-2. Contravention:-3. Conclusion:-Our Views:-Read the copy: IBBI Imposes Penalty on an Insolvency Professional; Penalty Levied

Fundamental Principle of Appeal

Table of Contents New Ground of Facts And LawThe benefit of Notification Can Be Claimed at Any TimePlea of Limitation is a Legal IssueIssue of Jurisdiction Can be Raised: Issue of Taxability of Products:No Additional Ground To Make A New Case No Ground Beyond Show Cause Notice Read

