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SOP On Circular Dated 16.04.2021


The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and other Hon’ble Judges of the Hon’ble Administrative Committee, after taking into account the exponential surge in COVID-19 cases and the views of stakeholders have been pleased to put in place the following arrangements with respect to the functioning of all the Subordinate Courts in the States of Maharashtra and Goa, and in the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu, in supersession of the earlier circular dated 05.04.2021.

1. All Courts shall continue to function in ONE shift and take up remand, bail, and urgent criminal and civil matters w.e.f. 19.04.2021 with judicial working hours of 2 ½ hours. The Principal District and Sessions Judges / Heads of the Establishment may take the decision to entrust the aforesaid work to requisite strength of Judicial Officers with 50% strength of staff, by rotation.

2. The Principal District and Sessions Judges / Heads of the Establishment may adjust the working hours of shift having regard to the local situation/condition.

3. All the Judicial Officers shall remain stationed at their respective places of posting and shall not leave headquarter/station without permission of the Principal District and Sessions Judge / Head of the Establishment.

4. The Judicial Officers may pronounce judgment/s or pass order/s in the matters, wherein the arguments of both the parties are concluded.

5. All Courts shall remain closed every Saturday but may take up only remand and urgent matters, as being taken up on holidays.

6. The Judicial Officers may not pass any adverse order owing to the absence of the advocates, parties, witnesses, or accused persons.

7. The Principal District and Sessions Judges / Heads of the Establishment shall ensure that the canteens and Bar rooms within the Court premises remain closed.

8. All the safety / precautionary measures set forth by the Central and State Government shall be adhered to scrupulously.

Related Topic:
Functioning of all the Courts in pursuance to the Circular dated 16.04.2021 w.e.f. 19.04.2021.

This circular shall remain in force until further order.

SOP On Circular Dated 16.04.2021

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Faridabad, India

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