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Notification summary of GST

Notification summary of GST by CA Venugopal Gella 

From the date at which the GST was introduced till the date, there are so many Notifications, circulars, and order. Every time any minor change is there a new notifications/circulars/order regarding the information issued by the department of finance. But keeping the track of all the notifications/circulars/order is too tough for anyone. So CA Venugopal Gella has brought us the detailed summary of every notifications/circulars/order which has been issued till the date. Notification summary of GST consists of:

  • The date of the notifications/circulars/order on which it is published.
  • The no. of the notifications/circulars/order (Every notifications/circulars/order have its own unique no.).
  • Act or rules it is related to.
  • A brief about the notifications/circulars/order and about what it is about.
  • Also QR code for downloading the notifications/circulars/order.

You can click the image below to download the summary:

Notifications Summary - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2018-04-19 18.25.41

Profile photo of CA Venu Gopal Gella CA Venu Gopal Gella

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Banglore, India


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